

Daniel Goldsmith Associates is now the Literary Studio

1 November 2023
Almost seventeen years ago, when I wasn’t living in London, but wanted to work in publishing, I founded an editorial service and named it after my son, six weeks old at the time.

Daniel Goldsmith Associates was established in January 2007 and offered a range of two editorial services: the manuscript assessment and the manuscript reassessment.

My expectations were so modest, I was surprised to receive the first submission. It came by post and simply landed on the doormat just like any other post. I looked at it for a long time, it didn’t feel real. There was a cheque inside the large envelope, but I had no business bank account to cash it in.

A year later, a freelancer joined me and this made a big difference. Together, we offered more services. We started packaging books to make them ready for print, first for individual authors, then for small publishers. This widened our freelance team considerably.

In time, DGA offered more and more services and started organising a busy fiction writing competition, with another one on the way.

Now the time is right for a change.

Today DGA is relaunching as the Literary Studio.

The Literary Studio is a freelance-powered literary and publishing consultancy offering the UK’s widest range of editorial services to the vibrant pre-publication market across the English-language world.

Simply put, we aim to give beginning writers an editorial experience they will not find elsewhere.
This aim is reflected in the symbolism of our new logo. At the centre of everything we do is the client’s work, represented by the aerial view of a hexagonal pencil shape. To this, we apply a creative, but structured editorial process. The space in between is the space created for growth.

None of the things I am most proud of in life can be attributed to me alone. All of them have been made possible by others and here I’d like to celebrate all the wonderful people without whom the Studio wouldn’t exist, from our amazing team, to our industry allies, to our wonderful and generous clients.

Thank you.

Lorena Goldsmith

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