Beyond Lockdown Empire

Success Story

Beyond Lockdown Empire

Joanne Clifton, Katya Jones and Sasha Latoya
The Little Bookshelf, English Worldwide, 2020

From the Publisher:

‘It’s time to lift your inner lockdown. It’s time to join the Empire.

Entrepreneurs and Strictly Come Dancing professional dancers Joanne CliftonKatya Jones and Sasha Latoya are giving you a special invite: to join a squad of women who are determined to find their fire.

In this fierce and intimate manual, Joanne, Katya and Sasha offer a scaffolded learning programme, drawing from their hugely successful 7-day course.  Using fun and innovative techniques, readers can expect to understand, perhaps for the first time, what it is they want from life – and how to get it!

Recounted with startling honesty, Beyond Lockdown Empire gives you access to the writers’ own stories, from setbacks to paybacks. It hasn’t always been a waltz, but now they’ve danced their way to the top, they want to share their formula.’

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