Create Your Future

Success Story

Create Your Future

Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin
Ehrlin Publishing, Swedish and English

An inspirational account from the author of the hugely successful The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep. We helped manage the author’s portfolio of titles as part of our new service for literary agents.

From the publisher:

‘Are you ready to create your future?
Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin had his breakthrough in 2015 with the sleepy bedtime story The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep. In this book, you get to share the life philosophy behind the success and learn how you, yourself, can create the future you dream of.

From leadership coach in a small town in Sweden, to international best-selling author – how is it possible? Read the revised edition of Carl-Johan Forssén Ehrlin’s book where he shares his best tricks for taking control of your life and creating your future.Do you want to achieve more in your career, your everyday life, or in your role as a leader? Create your Future is a book for the person wanting to get more out of life and to steer it in the right direction. Learn how to work mentally to reach your goals, find inspiration for personal development and get the keys for leading yourself and others in a positive and developmental manner.’

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