The Farm that Raised Me

Success Story

The Farm that Raised Me

David Jones
Logaston Press – 19 May 2023

From the publisher:

“Affectionate, evocative and illuminating, alive with dialogue but never misty-eyed, these stories trace day-to-day life on a traditional Welsh Marches farm before the onset of modern farming practices.

Structured around the seasons, the book traces the narrator’s childhood and teenage years, living and working among a close-knit cast of stockmen, horsemen, shepherds and farm workers, under the watchful eye of his father. As well as sheep and horses, the farm is home to a celebrated herd of pedigree Hereford Cattle, which attracts buyers from around the world.

Bookending the narrative is the enigmatic figure of the grandfather he never knew – affectionately known as Johny Go Buy ’Em – who made his unhurried progress from farm to farm astride a small Welsh cob, buying up stock and quietly growing his empire.

David Jones is a retired farmer and businessman who still lives near Hay-on-Wye.”

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